Two people have already been executed for taking part in the anti-regime protests raging in Iran, Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard, but authorities have warned that more could be executed.

One of them is the 26-year-old footballer Amir Nasr-Azadani.

Today, the international players' union Fifpro went out and demanded that he be released and get rid of his punishment.

"We stand together with Amir and demand that the sentence be withdrawn immediately," one wrote, among other things.

Contacted the players association

Behind that statement is Nasr-Azadani's former teammate, the Finnish national team meritorious Sebastian Strandvall.

When he heard about the death penalty, he posted a tweet and tagged the players' association, which after dialogue with Strandvall then contacted Fifpro.

- They themselves issued a statement and will also have a broader dialogue with Fifa to see what can be done.

Even though it's difficult, I really appreciate you making an attempt.

That sports and football prove to stand behind basic human rights, says Strandvall.

Strandvall played with Nasr-Azadani in the Iranian club Rah Ahan in the 2015-2016 season.

For a short period they also shared an apartment.

The Finn, who has been team captain for many years in the league club VPS, talks about when he was informed of the news.

- You were extremely shaken and shocked.

You couldn't believe it was true.

They didn't know what to do, he says and continues:

- When we played together he was one of the younger players, around 19-20 years old.

He is a very kind person and he respected elders very much.

"I have cheered on the people"

Strandvall has also been in contact with other former teammates to ask if they know more, but they are sitting on the same information.

During the autumn, the Finn has followed the situation in Iran and he pays tribute to the Iranian national team players who, during the World Cup in Qatar, chose not to sing along to the national anthem.

- I have cheered on the people.

I think those who dare to protest are incredibly brave.

That they stand up for each other, basic rights and women's rights.

Hats off to the Iranian players in the World Cup, how brave they were not to sing along to the national anthem during the first match.

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Audience in tears as Iran refuses to sing national anthem